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[已结束] BTM规则调整

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发表于 2012-3-23 09:43:52 | 显示全部楼层 阅读模式


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本帖最后由 kavsb2009 于 2012-3-23 09:44 编辑

额好长啊 先不翻译了 有点事 大家凑合看吧

Dear Users,

Hereby we introduce the first part of previously announced changes. At this time we present policy changes. Uploader rules changes will come soon.

[1] Overseeding policy is considered void - any overseeding restrictions and limits are void; any applied delays and other punishment immediately lifted. This means our swarm is on its own, in accordance with the mechanics and logics of the BitTorrent protocol unlimited. There is only one requirement at our end: required global ratio of 1.0. This also means your ratio can be influenced in 5 ways and 5 ways only: 1) by downloading and seeding, 2) through donations, 3) with the help of "comment reward" bonuses, 4) by occasional special bonuses (e.g. IRC prizes) or staff's personal bounties, 5) by periods of Freeleech or freebie torrents (downloaded data is not counted).

[2] Seeding of torrents downloaded elsewhere is allowed - in other words, anything that hashes perfectly is therefore okay

[3] Co-seeding of newly upload torrents is allowed - again, if it hashes it can go. Dear Uploaders, if you want exclusivity on your uploads in here, please consider uploading at pedro's first, and not elsewhere.

[4] Material of any nature and genre is allowed - in other words our Uploaders are welcome to upload anything they wish, e.g.charity albums or controversial material. There are no limits.

[5] Delays on newly added torrents for unconnectable users are removed - in other words, it is your problem if you're connectable or not. Don't blame us if your ratio drops too low.

[6] Limits on the number of seeded torrent is lifted - Seed as many as you want.

In accordance with the changes we have also updated our Site Rules, partially rewriting them, removing the obsolete Downloaders Code of Conduct and adding an important new paragraph on reasonable conduct. We require all our users to familiarize themselves with the updated Rules. Note that although overseeding policy is no more, we may still act in case of serious abuse. You can find the Site Rules here.

The most important Site policy changes include:

[7] Invitation policy gets stricter - Apparently asking, asking, and then asking again does not help. Our invites are still being wasted and misused. See here what changed.

[8] Site Rules contain a new paragraph on site privacy - To make it clear once and for all that we don't want any information leakages, copying and sharing of our rules and instructions, as well as contents of the forum and IRC, usernames, torrent information and so on is forbidden. See the Site Rules for details.

You can comment on the changes here

IMPORTANT: Note that from now on, especially in the face of major Site interface changes,  a lot of new site code will involve coding solutions (e.g. selected CSS3 tags) properly supported only by newer versions of Firefox (5.x+), Chrome (10.x+), Safari (5.x+) and Opera (10.5+). This means that we do not support Internet Explorer since these browsers will be or already are unable to properly display our code. Consider yourself warned
and upgrade your browsers in time.


lgcronaldoLv.8 发表于 2012-3-23 09:47:45 | 显示全部楼层
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stdadaLv.5 发表于 2012-3-23 09:49:17 | 显示全部楼层
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nton2010Lv.8 发表于 2012-3-23 09:50:28 | 显示全部楼层
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sgyanj_r4wLv.10 发表于 2012-3-23 10:06:53 | 显示全部楼层
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playstasionLv.10 发表于 2012-3-23 10:15:41 | 显示全部楼层
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genabLv.9 发表于 2012-3-23 10:26:02 | 显示全部楼层
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lcy9193Lv.5 发表于 2012-3-23 10:34:10 | 显示全部楼层
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babykaLv.3 发表于 2012-3-23 11:04:29 | 显示全部楼层
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北冥Lv.5 发表于 2012-3-23 11:05:09 | 显示全部楼层
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ufoxboLv.9 发表于 2012-3-23 11:24:44 | 显示全部楼层
我是来看你的签名,我会说吗  详情 回复
发表于 2012-3-23 15:10
运气不错  详情 回复
发表于 2012-3-23 12:15
感谢CCAV,感谢HD2PT,感谢楼主……  详情 回复
发表于 2012-3-23 11:26
苍天,大地呀,终于肯给我影币了  详情 回复
发表于 2012-3-23 11:25
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rick_k@2Lv.6 发表于 2012-3-23 11:37:19 | 显示全部楼层


2可以从其他站辅种 只要能找到的话





7邀请系统更严格 查了下就是发的邀请更少了

8禁止站内一切信息泄露 包括rules什么的 换言之此贴违反了他们的规则{:1_94:}
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jzm1987521Lv.8 发表于 2012-3-23 12:08:53 | 显示全部楼层
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firefoxqiweiLv.8 发表于 2012-3-23 12:30:42 | 显示全部楼层
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马桶Lv.8 发表于 2012-3-23 13:44:33 | 显示全部楼层
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jiffandyLv.6 发表于 2012-3-23 15:09:37 | 显示全部楼层
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D大调Lv.9互助团队 发表于 2012-3-23 15:13:14 | 显示全部楼层
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jzm1987521Lv.8 发表于 2012-3-23 16:10:25 | 显示全部楼层
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smoneLv.5 发表于 2012-3-23 16:50:09 | 显示全部楼层
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a573684723Lv.10 发表于 2012-3-23 18:25:56 | 显示全部楼层
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